Wedding in Visegrád

Hotel Visegrád

King Matthias and Queen Beatrice also spent their wonderful honeymoon in Visegrád!

Visegrád is one of the most popular places for weddings in Hungary. Our town has become a place of worship for weddings.

Visegrád is an emblematic wedding venue as even King Matthias and Queen Beatrice spent their wonderful honeymoon in Visegrád, their memory is kept in the walls of the castle, the halls of the Palace and in the heart of the young couples coming for a visit.

Sirály Restaurant, thanks to the experience gained in the past decades provides high proficiency in  organising weddings, and Hotel Visegrád offers exclusive accommodation, guaranteeing that young couples can find the most beautiful place for their honeymoon and that guests can stay overnight.

For more information see

Practical information:

  • Medieval weddings can be organised in Renaissance Restaurant
  • Full service from the decoration of the venue even to the organisation of transfers
  • Shuttle buses are also available to Budapest for wedding guests if requested